Thursday, January 31, 2008

Letter to John Edwards


Please endorse Barack Obama for President. With your wife's terminal
condition, the political power you seek is no longer a matter of
urgency. Many men drop out of politics because of their wives and
their families, even when they do not have terminal conditions.
Politicans do this because they have come to realize that, while they
may have great aspirations, some things are more important. I believe
this is the case now. Your wife would want to do what your heart tells
you to do. I believe she wants to die knowing how great you were
morally and not that you were a savvy political operator. Would you
want your wife's thoughts on her deathbed to be of you joining the
Clintons and being a politician or as a special politician who has a heart, a
moral man, who refused to sacrifice principle for power.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader's assessment of Obama:

My assessment of Barack Obama is that he knows what the score is in terms of the male distribution of power. He knows what he has said in the past about the Israeli-Palestinian issue and the need for Palestinian rights and a two-state solution. He knows that this war was a criminal war in Iraq and we’ve got to get out of it in a responsible, expeditious manner. He knows that corporations have too much power over workers and consumers and small taxpayers and elections and the government.

But when you watch him, he stays at a very high plain of generality and abstraction about change, and we’re one nation, and we’re one people. And that may sing with the desire of people to feel like they’re part of a unity, but it doesn’t do much for the productivity of the political dialogue. He does not get specific enough. Therefore, I think his main problem is he’s censoring himself, and that is not sufficiently rationalized by saying that’s just a tactic to win the primaries and get elected. After awhile, day after day, week after week, when you self-censor yourself, you become a different person, and it’s a reflection on character.

I also think that if he didn’t self-censor himself, if he started reverberating to the many mainstream press reports on corporate crime, fraud and abuse against pensions, against workers, against small investors; on the labor laws that are obstructing workers from organizing; on the need to have a foreign policy that isn’t militaristic; on the need to have an efficient military budget, where he said he wants to enlarge and modernize the military, which is already absorbing half of the federal government’s operating expenditures; on the need to direct taxpayer money to the necessities of the American people and not to pour them into corporate subsidies, handouts, giveaways, bailouts, which we call corporate welfare; on the need to protect consumers, especially in the inner city, from the rapacious practices of lenders; etc., I think he would enormously advance the number of people who would support him. And he certainly has the intellect to do that.


2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the full link:

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drat! won't let me publish the full link.

2:13 PM  

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