Friday, December 23, 2005

Unabashed political correctness

So everybody knows how the original King Kong had unsettling racial overtones about bringing the black "Other" out of the jungle and into civilization, where he runs amok on account of a beautiful blonde white girl, right?

Weeeell, in 2005 we ain't faring much better. I treated myself to Peter Jackson's 3 hour monster last night, and while it was excellent, I was hung up on some of the weird cultural undertones. The great thing is, they've turned the Kong-girl relationship from a bi-racial to a bestial one, which is more fucked up but less offensive. Then there's the islanders, the tribe on Skull Island. I'm not sure if blacks have ever been so viciously depicted. The fucked up thing is, the island is supposed to be off the coast of Singapore, but there's not a Chinesa man among them. They're black as asphalt, and they spend all their screen time rolling their white eyes and doing this weird tribal "shake dance" thing. The trick, of course, is to even this bit of racism out by making the first mate the noblest black man ever. He's the only guy on the ship dressed like a self-respecting gentleman, and he constantly hammers home how he was in the army and quotes from Heart of Darkness (what a useful and strangely intelligent Negro!). Has anyone else seen the film or noticed this yet?

(I also anxiously await the actual bestial porno that will inevitably come out of all this: Ding Dong. Other suggestions for topical porns: Bareback Mountin', Mammaries of a Geisha, Layin' the Bitch in the Wardrobe)


Blogger shrf said...

King Dong would also suffice. Peter Jackson is racist as hell, Witness:

Dead Alive- More goofy tribal stuff
Lord of the Rings- Sure it's tolkien's fault but never has the imperialist's dream battle so been played out as in the graphic representations of White vs. Other seen in this trilogy

Jackson's got issues, deep down, methinks.

w/r/t porn names:
Hairy Peter and the Crotch of Fire.
Aeon Fucks
The Family Bone(d)
Good Night, And Let's Fuck

4:24 PM  
Blogger Robot said...

Labiana? Too technical.
Also, I'm going to be out of town until the 30th. I've gotten two of my good buddies at the Cato Institute to take over my duties. They will blog about the wonders of Deweyan philosophy in the 21st century, and they will be payed $20.00 per word.
ps. two great names for a band were uttered tonight in Baltimore:
1) W.E.B. and du boyz
2) Fuckasaurus/Tyrockasaurus Sex. Any other ideas?

12:56 AM  

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