Sunday, October 22, 2006

So fucking what if everyone's already seen it

I'm often deterred from posting things I like on this blog because I believe that everyone else has already seen it. Well, not anymore, at least not to the same extent. Because I'm interested in hearing what you all think about shit, I'm going to start posting links to stuff that's interesting/good even if I know you've already seen it. I won't let the bastards win!
All of this is from Metafilter, a site which is still pretty good for some reason.
So here's Jeff Tweedy hitting a guy that comes on stage:

I happen to love "Airline to Heaven," the song that this jerk interrupted, so it's ok with me, although I'm not so sure about Woody Guthrie's take on the issue.
And here's Tweedy apologizing, and playing a mediocre version of "Hummingbird" that still makes me incredibly nostalgic:

And here's Keith Richards really beating someone's ass with a guitar:

As some guy on Metafilter wrote: "He seems so utterly nonchalant about it too. On seeing the approaching stranger, he casually shrugs off his guitar, swings and then shoulders it again. It's like he's done it every day for years on end."


Blogger to scranton said...

I had not seen this, so please, post away on content like this in the future.

The Tweedy thing is weird, because it's the reaction not of someone spooked by the incident but just plain pissed. He seems rather surprised by his own anger in the ensuing apologies. Chances are, if the guy was a big enough fan to jump on stage, he probably took pride in his "official Jeff Tweedy" shiner afterwards.

Keith Richards had to end his habit of coldcocking fans with his guitar when his arms suddenly fell off at a show in Palermo, Sicily in 1996. He was later given new, fresh arms which he effectively shriveled to match his normal skin tone and texture in the span of three weeks of intensive substance abuse.

11:47 PM  
Blogger Josh the Hippie Killer said...

To assume that everyone has seen your internet videos is pretty darn short-sighted. Unlike you, most people on this blog (probably) own a television and dont have to subject themselves to video feeds of crappy concerts. Plus, TV tells me what to watch so I don't have to decide for myself!

And Scantron, about that Keith Richards story, I like heard that Keith Richards once like took so many drugs that he had to get a blood transfusion but like there were so many drugs in his blood that they took all of his old blood out and had to put an entire human body's worth of blood back into him. My cousin's friend was like a doctor at that hospital and he told me.

1:26 AM  

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