Friday, February 03, 2006

Slackers - The Last Oppressed Peoples in the US of A

Why is it that the good old-fashioned America slacker gets no respect for his detachment, but the Buddhist monk does? Is that fair...?
Oh, what's that you say... you think my detachment isn't the same self-willed, self-disciplined detachment of the Buddhist monk?
What do you think? You think all Buddhist monks are like the Dalai Lama? You don't think there are guys in Nepal who are, like, "What should I do? Should I carry packs of heavy shit for Westerners to the top of the base camp of Everest? Or should I stay down here in Kathmandu and chant all day and check out chicks and pretend to be holy?" Why is everything cooler when it happens in a foreign country?
(I may have stolen this idea from a certain movie, but the question it poses remains valid.)


Blogger Robot said...

I completely agree. When I saw that famous picture of the Buddhist monk setting himself on fire to protest Vietnam I immediately thought this guy was either 1) really cold, or 2) a serious draft dodger. For anyone interested in this topic, I recommend Donald Fisk's 1994 essay in Journal of Religious Blazing, "'Monk'eying Around in China: Monks, Mao, and the Many Excuses not to March for Long Distances."

11:45 PM  
Blogger Josh the Hippie Killer said...

Wow! One monk really believed in his cause.
now prove to me that even a significant percentage of the others do... (obviously it would take too much time to gather such evidence, so i win the argument!)

3:54 AM  

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