Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dig those backdrops, man

The first time I might have blinked twice but didn't really take notice. The second time I noticed but didn't say anything. But the third time, I've just gotta come out and say it: Iran has some nutty-ass press backdrops. For instance, Exhibit A: President Ahmadinejad at the "World Without Zionism" conference:

Second (and my personal favorite), this one featuring Iranian dancers in native garb holding what are supposed to be containers of nuclear fuel in front of a backdrop of doves:

And third (which I just saw today), my man Mahmoud striking a rather silly pose in front of a hand holding a huge glowing orb:

I figured the only true contenders in this category would be George Bush, Silvio Berlusconi, or Hugo Chavez, but none of them yielded good results. (Disturbingly, when you Google image search Berlusconi you get a naked picture of him as your first hit, even with Moderate SafeSearch on.) So be proud, Iran: you are the current title-holder of "World's Zaniest Press Backdrops." Even if you won't be able to make nuclear weapons for 10-15 years, your flair for anti-Semitic and/or just plain crazy imagery and your tireless provocation will get get you bombed into the ground.


Blogger Robot said...

But let's face it. This guy is probably the blandest looking evil leader this globe has ever witnessed.

10:53 PM  
Blogger to scranton said...

Evil with a friendly face is SO in right now.

11:48 PM  
Blogger shrf said...

This is totally what would happen if you gave someone like Bill O'Reilly a country.

11:41 AM  

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