Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hi! Remember me? (lol j/k)

Bet you thought I was out of the picture, eh? Well you were WRONG! Hahaha LOLOL!! Seriously though, I just wanted to give a *holler* to my 6675 boys and fill you in on my experiences so far as a single woman!

First of all, it has become a craaazy world out here since the last time I was in the game. I'll bet you know exactly what I'm talking about, Matthew Scranton Simonton....I mean, it is just w-i-l-d WILD!

Well, my first order of business after the break-up was to get back out there and start meeting new people! I've really been making an effort to diversify my social circle, so I've been hanging out in new places and just striking up conversations with random people. I've been amazed at how friendly everyone is! Most people have been really sympathetic and supportive too. I think they can tell that I'm going through a BIG life transition, and that mostly I just need an open ear. I'm going to tell you about two of my new favorite places to meet people, if you're ever feeling socially adventurous...First, the Gargoyle! Surprised? I was too! I know most of us think of that dingy old room as a place where weird "indie" bands come to play, but seriously go hang out and eat lunch there sometime, or even just do some homework! It's a great place to meet some people who you otherwise might never have encountered. Second, and I know this might be sort of a stretch, but have you ever gone to the early morning lap swim at the Athletic Complex? It's a landmine of potential friends!! I recently acquired my first two Asian friends from Wash U there! I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but a small part of me kind of always thought that the Asians here just pretty much play DDR (short for Dance Dance Revolution -- see, I'm already picking up on the lingo!) and eat raw fish, you know? But that's not the case at all. Asians, especially the ones who weren't raised in America and are just here as abroad students, have a really rich cultural heritage, and really seem to be strongly tied to their roots. I really admire that and am becoming more and more interested in their culture and lifestyle! Which brings me to another, more serious topic. I have decided to rediscover my faith. I know I haven't been a good Christian in the past few years, and my heart is just heavy with guilt and remorse. My mom always told me that I was just going through a cynical phase in my life and that she knew I'd return to Christ eventually. At the time, I didn't believe her, but now I see that she was right! I just feel SO fortunate to have been raised a Christian because I know that God will forgive my past transgressions and allow me back into his graciousness. So anyway, this is a journey that I'm only just beginning, but I'll keep you posted on how things go. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could be super supportive of me, and of course if you ever want to go to church, I'd be delighted to have the company!

Ok well I think I've bored you enough with the details of my life for the time being, so I'm going to say goodbye for now. I miss you all, but I'm sure we'll bump into each other in Whispers on occasion!!

Have a blessed day,


Blogger Austin 5-000 said...

I'd like to bump in to you in somewher else--I've never gotten any fresh christian pussy b4. omg!

9:58 PM  
Blogger to scranton said...

Yes, yes, he's in the seating...

11:42 PM  

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