Monday, December 05, 2005

Strauss' ID?

An interesting post by Sullivan happens to connect some themes that have been discussed recently on this blog: ID, conservative activism, and the King Leopold Strauss. Sullivan links to this post by John Derbyshire in which Derbyshire at the end claims that neo-conservative Straussians like Irving Kristol and Gertrude Himmelfarb "are the people who are pushing 'intelligent design' in the conservative movement." This is a serious accusation and one that no doubt Austi 5000 and Machiavelli would both have some interest in -- for various reasons, no doubt. Derbyshire is saying that ID is not a conservative populist What's the Matter with Kansas type of movement, but rather a movement led by people who don't really believe in it at all. While this makes for an interesting theory amongst intellectuals who publish magazines control other means of intellectual production, I think the Derbyshire claim couldn't be farther from the truth. The people pushing intelligent design in the conservative movement are conservative Protestant evangelicals and their figureheads. Bush supports it too, but Bush actually believes it. There's no noble lie there. I don't see any of the neocons pushing for ID, and as Sullivan points out, Krauthammer for one slammed it in a recent Wash. Post op-ed. Am I wrong? The only reason we should get this right is to know exactly who the enemy of truth is, here. If it's a Straussian comrade, then I'll join him in his maintenance of the integrity of the Great Conversation. If it's a Kansas bible-thumper though, then we've got problems.

Update: Reading this article that Sullivan links too is a bit more helpful. It's actually one of the better articles linking Strauss to his neoconservative followers. The reason Strauss is so interesting is that his philosophy is actually influential in the world outside of the university. Regardless, it's just plain old fucking sick that the Irving Kristols of the world actually believe this shit. It wouldn't matter of course, except for the fact that in his hayday he published something like 500,000 magazines, several of which were being secretly funded by the motherfucking American government. Irving Kristol Publications: your tax dollars going to my magazine publishing shit I think is absolutely false but I'm going to say is true anyway because I think having a bunch of stupid religious people in this country makes life easier for those who know that God is dead. How about this noble lie, Irv: your grandaughter is really hot, and when I make love to her I engage in sexual activities that only a select few of previous political theorists know about. We're talking about unforgiving stuff, Irv. Stuff Milan Kundera could only dream of. Yo T-Hobbes, you know what I'm talkin about!


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