Sunday, December 18, 2005

The purpose of this blog

Is partly to entertain, mostly us, those blog it, and to a certain extent, those who are unfortunate enough to read it. Thus: if you feel that your feelings will be hurt by any comments contained herein, just get the fuck out of here. Although I have made light of my role as creator of the blog in the past, I did start it and I think those who have been invited to post or visit here must understand that the intent of this blog is to supply me and my friends with a forum for radical self-expression. I can't write a post when I'm worried that I'm going to get in trouble for it or suffer some sort of social consequences. If you'd like to critique what we say or are offended you are welcome to comment. But it is unacceptable for people to come here looking to pick a fight or evaluate our content from an ambiguous standpoint. We are creators of new ideas, and new ideas only come when we are free to say whatever the FUCK we want to. I'm not sure who spoke with Fishstix or how his post came about, but I don't want to see apoligies become a regular event here, nor do I want to see people only posting things that won't offend anyone. This is not a resume-builder, this is not a politics only blog, this is not a social life only blog, this is not anything but a place where we can write things down and allow our friends to see them, with the hope that you may be entertained, but also with the expectation that you will leave the nastiness of normal political/social life at the door when you come here.
There are very few areas of life where a man can express himself as he sees fit. The workplace and school are now (and perhaps have always been) places where the appropriate discourse is very limited. The social sphere is polluted by idiots who have no sense of humor or real morality. This blog represents something new. It is public in the sense that anyone can read it if they know its address. It is private in the sense that you should understand the content as created by and for free spirits. I, at least, do not write here with the intention that everyone I know will read my posts.
I can express my self very freely in my own apartment, but I will be moving soon and want to continue that free expression here. But if people cannot give us our breathing room this will fall apart. I think the main point is the following: sometimes I may say something here that conflicts with my public persona or the morality that you may think I possess. Sometimes those things will be in jest, but sometimes they may not be. I can't grow as a person if I'm constantly restricted to expressing those ideas which I'm sure others will find appropriate. So if you're bothered by something on this blog, think twice about using the language of moral criticism against me. Otherwise, I will not be able to explore the truth as I see it, which is the ultimate point of free expression.


Blogger Robot said...

This blogger agrees with much of what has been said, here. I will say the following, though, prefaced by the fact that this is only a blog, and the greatest threat to its existence is the self-righteousness of its members, and the self-importance they give the blog.
Whether anyone likes it or not, it is an undeniable truth that when this blog's members decided to write on a blog and not independent and private diaries this space became very public indeed. More than public, it became social, and when something becomes social it becomes subject to social criticism, and a certain level of social standards. I for one, ademantly agree that no one should feel threatened for posting what they believe on this blog. I don't think there is even a real problem with posting what you don't believe.
The one thing I -- as one member of this community -- do care about is that the level of discourse does not become lame: that the posts do not become ad hominum stream of consciousness rants that are better suited for 7th grade livejournals than they are for this particular space. Why? Because I am unconvinced that such posts do not lead to individual or collective growth. If anything, they lead to just the opposite.
Fortunately, I for one think that this blog has been by and large a delightful -- and nothing more -- addition to my life. As Austi5000 said, no apologies are here necessary. This is not to say that apologies are neccessarily unnecessary, however, and I hope we can maintain the generally high level of conversation seen on this blog.

9:25 PM  
Blogger shrf said...

I say we elect Jurgen Habermas as honorary regent of the blogosphere. The first course of action will be to email the great leader and beg his counsel on the troubles that have beset our virtual land. Through his wisdom, our actions will become more communicative, our spheres will become more public, and reason shall shine out through the land

11:54 AM  

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